Airbag Injury Lawyers
Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and all Arizona cities and communities
In the event of an accident or collision, drivers and passengers alike may be protected from injury by important safety features like seat-belts and airbags. If seat-belts are worn by every individual inside the vehicle and if airbags are deployed properly, the impact of a collision may be greatly reduced and serious injuries may be avoided.
Unfortunately, persons inside the vehicle may suffer injuries caused by the airbags themselves and not the collision if the airbags are defective or do not deploy in the proper manner. Persons who are injured by airbags may be eligible for compensation for medical expenses, pain, suffering, and other damages if the manufacturer is found to be at fault for the accident. For more information on airbag injuries, contact the Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff airbag injury lawyers of Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, P.C. at 800-639-8460 today.
Injuries Caused by Airbags
Because of the high-speed of deployment required to keep passengers safe, airbag injuries are common for passengers and drivers alike, especially if the airbag is improperly deployed. Injuries may include:
- Bruises to the head, face, and body
- Cuts and lacerations
- Concussions
- Facial fractures
- Eye irritation from airbag deployment
In addition to injuries caused by the force of impact of the airbag during deployment, persons may suffer injuries caused by the substances used to inflate the airbag, as well as injuries caused by the module cover during inflation.
Common Causes of Airbag Injuries
Persons may suffer from airbag injuries caused by:
- Improper inflation of the airbag
- Failure to fully inflate during a crash or collision
- High deployment speeds
- Improper placement or positioning of the airbag
- Module cover injuries
Injuries caused by defective or improperly installed airbags may require immediate medical treatment and rehabilitation. Persons who are injured by airbags may be forced to pay out-of-pocket for medical expenses and may be forced to miss valuable work days during treatment. In the event of an airbag injury, individuals who are hurt may be eligible for compensation for damages suffered in the accident.