Child Injury Lawyers
Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and all Arizona cities and communities
It is always painful to witness a child suffer an injury, no matter how severe. It can be especially upsetting when your own child is hurt. Unfortunately, kids tend to be reckless and do not always fully understand the dangers associated with certain activities. Despite modern design improvements and safety techniques, children still hurt themselves on playgrounds or while playing with toys. It is extremely important that proper instruction is provided to kids and good supervision is in place when they are at play.
If your child has suffered an injury due to the negligence of another individual, you deserve to pursue legal action against the responsible individual. The Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff child injury attorneys of Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, P.C. can help you fight your case. Please contact our law office today to discuss your situation.
When your child is under the care of another individual, you have put your trust in that person to carefully watch over him or her. Children need careful supervision when they are in the presence of other kids or when they are playing in potentially harmful environments. If that supervision is not present, then the individual in charge is exhibiting negligent behavior.
Children often suffer the following injuries due to the negligence of others:
Most children find themselves either in school or daycare at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, these settings present ample opportunity for injury if proper supervision is not in place.