Delayed Diagnosis and Treatment Lawyers
Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and all Arizona cities and communities
If you are suffering from a severe and dangerous illness, any sort of delay in treatment can have quite detrimental consequences. Delayed diagnosis and therefore postponed treatment can affect patients suffering from either mental or physical illnesses. Late treatment may result in death for patients suffering from serious illnesses, such as cancer. In young patients with mental disorders, a delay in administering the proper care may severely affect their psychological development.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of delayed treatment, then you deserve to assert your legal rights and claim compensation for the pain and damages you have suffered. The Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff delayed treatment attorneys of Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, PC are dedicated to helping people pursue the justice they deserve. Please call our offices today to schedule an appointment.
What causes delayed treatment?
Delayed diagnosis, and therefore delayed treatment, often results from a misdiagnosis. When a physician incorrectly identifies one’s ailment, it will take time to realize the mistake and remedy it. This, therefore, results in a delay of treatment.
Delayed treatment may also be resultant of a doctor’s failure to accurately figure out what is wrong with a patient. Some rare diseases or complications may not be realized until a significant amount of time has passed.
Finally, failure on behalf of the ailing individual to seek or accept professional medical help may result in delayed treatment.
The Consequences of Delayed Diagnosis or Treatment
The Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff delayed diagnosis attorneys of Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, PC can help you if you have experienced any detrimental consequences of delayed diagnosis or treatment. Delayed treatment has the potential to render serious physical or psychological results, especially if the untreated disorder is severe. Should the delay be too long, the patient may suffer permanent disability or even death.
Failure to follow the proper protocol in a timely manner with regards acute medical issues, such as heart attacks or strokes, may result in physical damage or death. Failure to properly treat long-term illnesses such as cancer may also render the patient permanently disabled or dead. Finally, not treating mental illnesses right away could lead to future alcohol, drug abuse, or social problems with the patient.
Meet Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys

José de Jesús Rivera
ShareholderFormer U.S. Attorney for Ariz. -- Personal Injury -- Criminal Defense