Air Traffic Controller Error Lawyers
Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and all Arizona cities and communities
Statistically speaking, flying is by far the safest method of long-distance travel available to people today. Between 1950 and 2008, there have been a total of 1,300 reported fatal airplane incidents – a significantly lower number than the amount of fatal car crashes that have occurred over the same period. Despite these favorable figures, however, plane crashes do occasionally happen, and though rare, they are sometimes the result of air traffic controller (ATC) error. Air traffic controllers have the tremendous responsibility of dynamically directing flights in the safest and most efficient manner possible. When they make errors, hundreds of people find themselves at a high risk of serious injury or death.
If you or someone you love has been injured in an airplane accident caused by an air traffic controller error, then you deserve to claim damages for your losses. The Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff air traffic controller error lawyers of Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, P.C. can help you with this legal pursuit. Call us today.
What Are The Responsibilities of Air Traffic Controllers?
Every day, US air traffic controllers handle approximately 87,000 flights. About one third of these planes are commercial airliners, while the rest are comprised of private pilots. There are 14,305 air traffic controllers working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to handle, direct, and assist these thousands of flights. These workers should have the training necessary to accurately track each plane as it travels through airspace, give effective directions or orders to each pilot, and properly communicate with other air traffic controllers. They should know how to recognize emergency call signs and handle emergency situations. They should also have up-to-date training and certification in the modern technology used in the control towers.
Why Do Air Traffic Controller Errors Occur?
The FAA has seen a recent decline in the number of air traffic controllers working for the administration. This lower number of controllers has helped lead to the following issues that may be considered contributing factors to air traffic controller error:
- Fatigue from longer working hours
- Lack of proper training
- Lack of overall experience
While planes do have backup warning systems in the case of air traffic controller error, their high travel speeds may prevent the pilots from adjusting the aircrafts in time to prevent deadly collisions.