Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and all Arizona cities and communities

Sexual abuse leaves an emotional scar that never goes away. Survivors of sexual abuse often times relive the hurt at different milestones throughout their life making it difficult for a victim to come forward even after the abuse has stopped. Many survivors of sexual abuse are afraid to come forward and when they do, they do not know where to turn. The Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff sexual abuse lawyers at Miller, Pitt, Feldman, & McAnally have the experience to help victims hold sexual abusers accountable. Some of our sexual abuse lawyers are former prosecutors who work with counselors, police, and prosecutors to hold sexual abusers accountable

Sexual abuse comes in many different forms and is committed by some of our most trusted members of our community. Sexual abuse includes sexual intercourse, oral sex, and masturbation, but it also includes digital penetration, indecent exposure to a child, prostituting a child, and child pornography. Contrary to what we have been raised to believe, sexual abuse is more often committed by someone we know and trust. Sexual abusers and sexual predators include Catholic priests, priests in the Diocese of Phoenix, priests in the Diocese of Gallup, teachers, coaches, religious workers, neighbors, and even relatives. Whether you have been sexually abused coach, teacher, religious worker, or Catholic priest, you have the right to hold the sexual abuser accountable. Call the Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff sexual abuse lawyers at Miller, Pitt, Feldman, and McAnally to discuss these sensitive matters confidentially. The Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff sexual abuse lawyers at Miller, Pitt, Feldman, & McAnally have the knowledge and experience to fight for survivors / victims of sexual abuse so they can get the justice they deserve.

Meet Our Personal Injury Lawyers

Gerald Maltz


Business Litigation -- Personal Injury -- Mediation and Arbitration

Tom Cotter


Personal Injury -- Insurance Bad Faith -- Medical Malpractice

José de Jesús Rivera


Former U.S. Attorney for Ariz. -- Personal Injury -- Criminal Defense

Stanley G. Feldman

Attorney, Of Counsel

Retired Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice -- Personal Injury -- Mediation and…

Peter Timoleon Limperis


Personal Injury -- Medical Malpractice -- Defamation

Jeff Imig


Personal Injury -- Medical Malpractice