Toxic Food Products and Containers Lawyers

Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and all Arizona cities and communities

Every day, millions of people eat out at restaurants, cook and consume store-bought food, and heat up leftovers stored inside Tupperware containers. We check expiration dates and labels for the presence of allergens, but mostly we trust the companies responsible for distributing these food products and containers to deliver us safe, properly labeled items. In most instances, companies uphold their duties to provide customers with non-toxic goods. However, on occasion, they will fail to distribute safe products. Under product liability law, these parties are then held responsible for any injuries incurred by consumers.

If you have been injured by a harmful food product, then you have the right to demand justice from the company responsible for your pain. Call the Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff toxic food products and containers lawyers of Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, PC today to begin your fight for the justice you deserve.

We Can Help

Food product manufacturers and companies have the high responsibility of ensuring that they distribute safe goods to their customers. Under product liability law, they are liable for any injuries sustained by customers who are harmed by their dangerous items. If you have suffered harm from a dangerous food product or container, then we can help you fight your case against the responsible company. Our capable attorneys have experience in handling the following situations:

    • Contaminated Food
    • Food-borne Illness
    • Mislabeled Food

If you have been hurt by any of the above, then you deserve to make your case known to the negligent party responsible for your injury or illness.

Meet Our Personal Injury Attorneys

Gerald Maltz


Business Litigation -- Personal Injury -- Mediation and Arbitration

Tom Cotter


Personal Injury -- Insurance Bad Faith -- Medical Malpractice

José de Jesús Rivera


Former U.S. Attorney for Ariz. -- Personal Injury -- Criminal Defense

Stanley G. Feldman

Attorney, Of Counsel

Retired Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice -- Personal Injury -- Mediation and…

Peter Timoleon Limperis


Personal Injury -- Medical Malpractice -- Defamation

Jeff Imig


Personal Injury -- Medical Malpractice