Railroad Conductor Error Lawyers

Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and all Arizona cities and communities

Train wrecks are shockingly more common than most people may think. In 2007, over 13,000 of these incidents occurred, resulting in 851 deaths and 8,801 injuries. Train accidents may include anything from derailments to collisions with pedestrians or motor vehicles. Because these vehicles possess so much mass and typically move at relatively high speeds, unexpected collisions with the ground or with other objects have the potential to cause a large amount of destruction.

It is the responsibility of the conductor to make the right decisions regarding the train’s travel. Failure to do so can cost lives. If you have lost someone you love to a train wreck caused by a conductor error, then you may have the right to claim compensation from the responsible party. The Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff railroad conductor error lawyers of Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, P.C. can help you learn more about your legal rights in this situation. Call our offices today to speak with an experienced attorney about your case.

Conductor Responsibilities

Railroad conductors have a significant number of responsibilities when operating a moving train. In general, they must keep up with the following:

    • Coordinating train movement authority
    • Communicating with other people involved with the train’s operation
    • Being aware of the train’s surroundings, including outside signals
    • Performing mechanical inspections and tests
    • Giving signals regarding the train’s movement
    • Maintaining a train trip log
    • Attending to passengers and checking their tickets

Train conductors should be well-trained in handling all of these duties in a safe and efficient manner. Negligent behavior, however, may result in costly and dangerous errors.

Meet Our Personal Injury Attorneys

Gerald Maltz


Business Litigation -- Personal Injury -- Mediation and Arbitration

Tom Cotter


Personal Injury -- Insurance Bad Faith -- Medical Malpractice

José de Jesús Rivera


Former U.S. Attorney for Ariz. -- Personal Injury -- Criminal Defense

Stanley G. Feldman

Attorney, Of Counsel

Retired Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice -- Personal Injury -- Mediation and…

Peter Timoleon Limperis


Personal Injury -- Medical Malpractice -- Defamation

Jeff Imig


Personal Injury -- Medical Malpractice